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Happy, Healthy, and Hybrid – How to Make Teamwork Great

  • 45 min
  • Available Globally
  • Free 48hr Hold

Remote workers often feel excluded by in-office colleagues, and in-office workers often feel a lack of engagement by remote colleagues.

How do we fix this?

Stanford University’s Glenn Fajardo guides your team through interactive exercises that surface issues and reveal simple adjustments you can make to build collaboration and cohesion no matter where people work.

Book this experience when you want to:

Develop Skills
Level up your team by developing crucial skills that create a solid foundation for optimal team performance.
Work as a Distributed Team
Regardless of your location, you have the same goal in mind. Work together to develop your distributed team for success.

Your Host

You will be assigned one of our creator hosts to lead your experience
Glenn Fajardo
Glenn Fajardo
Glenn Fajardo is the co-author of the January 2021 “Rituals for Virtual Meetings: Creative Ways to Engage People and Strengthen Relationships” and a fellow at the Stanford University School of Design. Glenn has spent the past five years teaching executive education classes at Stanford that emphasized how people can be creative together when they are far apart, including “Design Across Borders”, “Design Insider / Outsider” and “Long Distance Design”. Glenn has been a student of virtual collaboration since 2008, working with teams across six continents engaged in social impact work.

Customer Reviews

“…Glenn’s knowledge of all aspects of team collaboration is impressive. We used this experience to help us prepare for our new hybrid work model…”

VP on 14-person distributed team

July, 2024

“…we enjoyed the exercises that we did together during the experience. We took away some helpful tips on how to build an inclusive and effective hybrid workplace…”

Chief of Staff at $100 SaaS company

June, 2024

“..what a great transition from remote to hybrid work…”

CIO at corporate firm

June, 2024

“Teamraderie and Glenn did an excellent job of customizing this experience to our team values.”

Manager of 500 Person Organization

July, 2024

This experience is a part of these categories

Notable host Team Skills
$1,500 for up to 30 people
HeadcountHeadcount is editable later
Your Experiences Includes:
  • Live virtual facilitation
  • Live customer support
  • Post-experience resources
New to Teamraderie Experiences?
See how it works

Happy, Healthy, and Hybrid – How to Make Teamwork Great

  • 45 min
  • Available Globally
  • Free 48hr Hold
$1,500 for up to 30 people
HeadcountHeadcount is editable later
Your Experiences Includes:
  • Live virtual facilitation
  • Live customer support
  • Post-experience resources
New to Teamraderie Experiences?
See how it works

About the experience

Remote workers often feel excluded by in-office colleagues, and in-office workers often feel a lack of engagement by remote colleagues.

How do we fix this?

Stanford University’s Glenn Fajardo guides your team through interactive exercises that surface issues and reveal simple adjustments you can make to build collaboration and cohesion no matter where people work.

Book this experience when you want to:

Develop Skills
Level up your team by developing crucial skills that create a solid foundation for optimal team performance.
Work as a Distributed Team
Regardless of your location, you have the same goal in mind. Work together to develop your distributed team for success.

Your Host

You will be assigned one of our creator hosts to lead your experience
Glenn Fajardo
Glenn Fajardo
Glenn Fajardo is the co-author of the January 2021 “Rituals for Virtual Meetings: Creative Ways to Engage People and Strengthen Relationships” and a fellow at the Stanford University School of Design. Glenn has spent the past five years teaching executive education classes at Stanford that emphasized how people can be creative together when they are far apart, including “Design Across Borders”, “Design Insider / Outsider” and “Long Distance Design”. Glenn has been a student of virtual collaboration since 2008, working with teams across six continents engaged in social impact work.

Customer Reviews

“…Glenn’s knowledge of all aspects of team collaboration is impressive. We used this experience to help us prepare for our new hybrid work model…”

VP on 14-person distributed team

July, 2024

“…we enjoyed the exercises that we did together during the experience. We took away some helpful tips on how to build an inclusive and effective hybrid workplace…”

Chief of Staff at $100 SaaS company

June, 2024

“..what a great transition from remote to hybrid work…”

CIO at corporate firm

June, 2024

“Teamraderie and Glenn did an excellent job of customizing this experience to our team values.”

Manager of 500 Person Organization

July, 2024

This experience is a part of these categories

Notable host Team Skills