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Grow Psychological Safety

Teams thrive when they feel safe to express their thoughts and ideas, and are more innovative, creative, and higher-performing.

What is psychological safety?

“Uncertainty” is the word that characterizes the current environment. And yet, teams require a sense of belonging, security, and safety to do their best work.

Psychological safety is the belief that you can speak up freely without fear or risk of punishment and humiliation. This is a critical factor in healthy team dynamics that results in better decision-making, greater innovation, and more effective execution in organizations.

Book This Journey
For Your Team

$8,000 for up to 20 team members
Headcount is editable later

How do team members develop Psychological Safety?

First, members are willing to help; they lift others up, and they do not watch others fail. Second, members feel valued by others – and actively ensure others know their value. Third, members engage in open and direct conversation without discomfort. Fourth, members are willing to take risks – and approach these risks as valuable learning opportunities.

Does your ideal team look like this?
  • Team members help one another
  • Team members feel seen, heard, and understood
  • Team members are not afraid of making mistakes or taking risks
  • Team members feel confident to speak up
In this journey, you will learn how to:
  • Create an accountable culture
  • Help others lead more authentically
  • Encourage others to take risks
  • Become more inclusive

Start Your Team Journey

1. Assessment

Before your team’s first experience, you will all take a short survey to gauge where your team is at.

2. Experiences

Your team will participate in four curated experiences in a sequence developed in collaboration with Amy Edmondson designed to grow your team’s psychological safety.

Curated Experiences for Your Psychological Safety Journey
Belonging & Inclusion
What can you gain from a card game with cute animal cards? Learn what qualities your team values in you the most in this positive and unifying card game.
Willingness to Help
Why do teams perform better as a whole? Discover how to make your team as high-performing as Olympic athletes through vulnerability, accountability, and a shared mindset. Speedos not required.
Open Conversation
What do you think is the root cause of most human conflict? Triggers. Learn the science of triggers, uncover the blueprint of why you uniquely react to certain people and situations, and develop effective communication strategies together.
Attitude Towards Failure
What do you do when you have a dream? You make it happen. Led by the first African to compete in Skeleton, your team will dive headfirst into learning how to not only set those goals – but to conquer them.

3. Practices

After each experience, you’ll receive weekly tips, exercises, and activities to put into practice with your team to continue building upon what you learned together.

You'll receive actionable tips to use...

  • At your next 1:1
  • At your next standup
  • At your next team meeting
  • At your next review

4. Measurements

At the conclusion of your last experience, your team will re-take the original assessment to measure your progress as it relates to growing psychological safety on your team.

Book This Journey
For Your Team

$8,000 for up to 20 team members
Headcount is editable later

Certificates Awarded to Teams Upon Completion

Teamraderie Certificates of Completion include a video to congratulate, monthly recommendations of articles and studies for leaders curated by Teamraderie in collaboration with Stanford and Harvard thought leaders, quarterly book recommendations, and invitations to exclusive Leadership Lab events.

Get Started

Ready to grow your team’s psychological safety?
Take the next step to book your first experience.

This is the only way I can imagine you effectively build ‘psychological safety’ as a team. You do experiences together, you learn together, you get better together.

— CFO, drug development company

Journeys Effectively Improve Team Dynamics

Journeys are co-created with thought leaders from the world’s top universities. The content is all evidence-based and rigorously-aligned to the academic research. Teams learn in cohorts – and practice newly acquired skills with each other. After each experience, managers receive practical, research-backed tips that help managers to practice and extend what’s been learned.