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Happy Thanksgiving – A List of What Makes Us Thankful

Tuesday November 24, 2020

Virtual Team Building

As we shift focus this week, we have an opportunity to take stock of the year and recount what makes us thankful.


Here is our list of things we have learned to appreciate more deeply in 2020. We hope you share many of these feelings about your own team – and that our list triggers new thoughts for you, too.


Conversation with Colleagues:
Like never before, we felt the importance of feeling belonging and deep connection with our teammates at Teamraderie. 


Adaptation In Action:
Together, we made a transition to the new work-from-home environment and established new routines and work-life arrangements.


Learning from Change:
We learned the nuances of individual and collaborative productivity in the remote environment and introduced new shared team rhythms for better team outcomes. 


Experiencing New Ideas Together:
We designed a brand-new way to create and sustain social connectivity in teams through virtual experiences and proved that a strong social connection CAN be formed virtually. 


Appreciating Each Other:
We learned about the importance of acknowledging each person’s inherent value. We learned not to miss opportunities to connect with the team members – to appreciate them.


In this exceptional year, we have all made exceptional growth and learned.


To those of you in the United States, a very Happy Thanksgiving.

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