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Our One-Year Anniversary

Wednesday September 1, 2021

Our One-Year Anniversary

Our One-Year Anniversary

Today is a special day for Teamraderie. We have been commercially active for a year and are celebrating our one-year anniversary!


Together we have accomplished a lot in this time:

– 636 teams served

– 11,758 people experienced Teamraderie

– 529,110 minutes of bonding through virtual experiences

– 57 NPS score achieved

– 42 countries where we shipped kits

– 500 yards shortest distance a kit was sent to

– 9,353 miles longest distance a kit was sent to (from Palo Alto, CA to Kampala, Uganda)

– 19 Olympic medals won by Teamraderie creators

– 1,107 pounds of cheese consumed

– 768 hours saved in the Tartine line


Here is what we learned:

– People eating the same food together build trust 75% faster.

– People tend to love hard cheeses more than soft varieties.

40% of virtual Coffee and Tea experience participants order tea.

– A conversation with an Olympian can be the most memorable session of a sales kickoff.

– Joint poetry session can build a deeper connection than a team dinner.

– The shared virtual team experiences can last as little as 30 minutes to have effect.

– More than 50% of teams operated across 4+ regions.

We could not have done it without you! Thank you for being a part of our community. We look forward to continued collaboration with you.
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