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Skills for Managers That Will Make a Difference in 2022

Thursday January 13, 2022

Skills for Managers

The 2022 year might be still new, but the key trends that are going to define its workforce have already crystallized:


Skills for Managers


To help modern managers adapt to the workplace of 2022, experts from MIT Sloan Management Review shared six strategies to embrace:


1. Embrace Inclusive Leadership.

Commit to ensuring all team members are treated equitably.


2. Cultivate Better Collaboration for Teams.

Intentionally craft networks that drive performance, innovation, and engagement.


3. Be Curious About What You Don’t Know — and Create Space for Dialogue.

Attempting to direct employees using partial perspective is foolish.


4. Prevent Bias From Hindering Employee Growth.

Proactively combat the “out of sight, out of mind” bias.


5. Foster Respect by Building Connections.

Demonstrate genuine curiosity about what employees find meaningful.


6. Empower Peer Coaching and Leadership on Teams.

Peers are better able to express empathy, solve problems, and make the time.


To help modern managers, Teamraderie experiences were purposefully designed in collaboration with professors from Stanford University and Harvard Business School.



Here are three examples of Teamraderie experiences to help managers and their teams:


Embrace inclusive leadership


Virtual team building with beer


Drink Beer and Learn How Metier Created an Inclusive Taproom

Learn from a manager at an award-winning craft brewery the concepts they introduced to promote inclusion and belonging.


Cultivate better collaboration


Radical Candor for your Hybrid Team


Games to Ignite a Thriving Hybrid Team

Participate in three interactive games together as a team to surface empathy, build trust and learn new things about each other.


Empower peer leadership on teams


Virtual team building for transparency

What If We All Wore Speedos at Work?
Four-time Olympic medalist leads interactive discussion on ‘norms’ of winning sports teams – and what leads teams to perform above their level of talent.



Experiences can be explored and booked online via Teamraderie experience finder. If you are seeking a personalized recommendation, reach out to us at team@teamraderie.com.  

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