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A Responsive Company Culture

How Teamraderie helps one of the world’s most admired CEOs fix their ‘employee survey’ problem


Boost in EX Scores

Teamraderie mapped the company’s 16 survey outcomes to Teamraderie experiences

Program NPS Score

Company Context

One of the ten most valuable software companies in the world. Its platform is used by 7K+ companies, including 85% of the Fortune 500, to drive digital transformation and responsive systems.

Revenues exceed $8B and the share price is up 225% in five years. The company has exceeded revenue and earnings guidance in 19 of the past 20 quarters. Today, the company is routinely named one of the “best places to work”.

We hear the managers say, “I don’t know what to do with the survey results.”

The Challenge

The twice-annual employee survey showed no improvement

“The CEO is really pissed off”: The company hired a high-profile CEO and changes were made to go-to-market, engineering, and product functions and the company’s revenue and stock performance took off.

While revenue and product performance had improved, the CEO noticed employee engagement was stuck in low gear. Specifically, he noted the twice-annual employee survey – which showed no improvement despite a surging stock price – was not where it needed to be.

“We talk about the survey in February, we do the survey in March, we look at the results in April. Then we give it to managers in May. By July, we hear the managers say, “I don’t know what to do with the survey results. And then in August, we start the whole cycle again.”

The Solution

The People Team Responds

The company employee survey captured employee sentiment on sixteen (16) different metrics – including “Team Environment”, “Empathic Leadership”, and “Trust in Teammates”.

The People team chose Teamraderie for its outcome-based employee experiences. Teamraderie mapped the company’s 16 survey outcomes to Teamraderie experiences.

Managers see recommended Teamraderie experiences within Qualtrics
Managers can schedule shared team activities with a single click

The Results

By the next employee survey, the company found managers who took advantage of the Teamraderie experiences were dramatically outperforming peer managers.

Within six months, even the company’s lowest-performing teams were showing remarkable improvement. Even first-time managers and lowest-quartile teams had surged in the rankings.

“Every team can do exactly what that team needs. It’s not top-down, it’s bottom-up, it’s specific, it’s effective.”

Amplifying the Impact

Implementing A Global Program – Improving Team Culture

Today, Teamraderie is made available to every employee. Experiences are 100% reimbursed with L&D budgets, and managers are encouraged to schedule at least four (4) experiences every year.

A new program offers managers a “Leaders Club” plaque (similar to the plaques enjoyed by top sales reps at “Presidents Club”).

Employees praise the program for its flexibility.

Bring Teamraderie to Your Organization to See Results