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How to Help Your Hybrid Team Thrive in 2H’21

Thursday July 22, 2021

Help your Hybrid team thrive

How can you help your hybrid team thrive in the second half of 2021?


Many companies are introducing an option for in-person work. Offices are opening their doors to welcome workers back. But not all team members are eager — or able — to return to office.  


Russ Lidstone, CEO of a London-based global communications business, shared an instructive set of  principles for successful hybrid working in Management Today. Three ideas are particularly compelling:


1. Carrot, not stick

One in four UK employees said they’d quit their job if forced to go back to the office. Russ recommends creating a physical workplace that the team will feel safe and excited about returning to — but not forcing anyone to come back before they’re ready


2. Equity, not cliques

It’s important that you create a hybrid workplace where all employees — no matter their work location — have the same opportunity to connect, share and become engaged.


3. New world, new roles

To ensure hybrid meetings are inclusive, create a new role to chair the meeting — “a facilitator” who ensures everyone involved knows how it’s going, notices when hands are raised and can move the content on.


Leaders need to create strategies for exciting, engaging and supporting BOTH office AND remote team members across all touchpoints (meetings, social interactions, etc.)





We have evolved Teamraderie experiences to engage and support hybrid teams. A growing number of Teamraderie experiences has both remote and office participants.


Here are the ways Teamraderie engages both remote and office team members, as well as our learnings from working with the teams partially returning to the office:


hybrid team thrive - chart


In case you missed it — we have collected the latest ideas and tips for hybrid teams:


Hybrid checklist

We have worked with top workplace experts to determine how to prepare your team.


Why Your Hybrid Team is Multitasking During Your Meetings

Tips from a Stanford University study on how to combat multitasking.


Tips to Inspire Your Hybrid Team

Ideas from Spencer Stuart and examples of motivating teams through Olympic parable.


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