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How Micro Workouts Can Help You and Your Team

Friday May 3, 2024

Woman stretching at her desk in a well-lit office building with another coworker working in the background

Physical exercise is an important component of well-being. However, it’s hard to find time to exercise regularly during eight-hour workdays.
Some companies offer in-office workout spaces and many remote companies provide gym stipends, but the issue of time remains.

According to the World Health Institute, a quarter of adults globally don’t engage in the recommended amount of physical activity.

How can you help your team find the time and motivation to exercise during work hours? Micro-workouts are an excellent way to facilitate positive physical activity.

Here’s an overview of what micro-workouts are and how to make them feel accessible to your team.

Benefits of a Micro-Workout

Micro-workouts are exactly what they sound like. They’re short workouts you can complete while sitting at your desk.

While traditional workout routines are often between 20-30 minutes long, micro-workouts can be as short as 30 seconds.

According to The National Library of Medicine, regular exercise provides the following benefits:

  • Improved sleep
  • Better endurance
  • Stress relief
  • Improvement in mood
  • Increased energy and stamina
  • Reduced fatigue
  • Increased mental alertness
  • Reduced cholesterol
  • Improved cardiovascular fitness

In addition, exercise can improve employee mental health and even increase one’s lifespan.

Another study found that micro-workouts decrease sickness-related absences from work.

These benefits can help employees improve productivity and focus at work, and ultimately benefit a company’s bottom line.

How To Incorporate Micro-Workouts Into Your Routine

Although micro-exercises don’t have to take up much time, many people still might be overwhelmed by the prospect of taking time from work to engage in physical activity.

However, according to insights from Harvard Business Review (HBR), short exercises are much better than none.

Here are some ways you or your team can incorporate micro-workouts into your workday.

  • Habit-building: Don’t worry about doing too much at once. Start slowly, focusing on building exercise habits rather than immediately adopting them.
  • Habit-stacking: Try combining micro-workouts with other routines or habits. For example, exercise while a pot of coffee is brewing or you’re waiting for a Zoom call to begin.
  • Optimize your environment: If you work from home, optimize your workspace for physical activity as well as working. If you work in-office, consider how you can make use of the space around you—such as going for walks around the office.

By incorporating these workouts into your routine, you’ll begin to experience the accompanying vitality benefits.

Micro-Workouts You Can Do From Your Desk

If you’re searching for inspiration, here are a few micro-workouts you can try from your desk:

  • Ab Tucks: Sit up straight in your chair and pull your abs into your spine, hold for a moment, and then release. Try doing 25 at a time.
  • Calf Raises: Place both feet flat on the floor. Raise your feet onto your toes and squeeze. Try doing 50 at a time.
  • Glute Squeezes: Sit up straight in your chair. Squeeze your glutes and hold. Try doing 25 at a time.

Want to learn more?

Teamraderie’s team experience, Wired For Wellness, is the perfect way to learn how to micro-workouts into your routine.

In this live, virtual experience, your team will be joined by a fitness expert who will walk you through several micro-workouts you can do at work.

Plus, you’ll be provided with a kit containing decorative weights that serve as excellent office decorations as well as fitness equipment.

Click here to learn more about this experience.

Incorporate Micro-Workouts Into Your Routine With Teamraderie

Do you need to transform your workday and unleash your full potential?

Led by a renowned personal trainer, Stanford elite athlete coach, or top wellness coach, this experience aims to improve well-being and boost energy through a shared interactive activity. During the session, you’ll be guided through a series of invigorating exercises that can be...

$95 per person

30 min

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