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National Wellness Month: Are Employees Chasing Well-being Over Career?

Wednesday July 20, 2022

National Wellness Month

August is National Wellness Month.


For 68% of employees and 81% of the C-suite, improving their well-being is more important than advancing their career.


In a new study, Deloitte is warning that employees and the C-suite will no longer put up with the jobs that make them anxious, stressed, and fatigued.


(1) Employees are struggling in all four areas of well-being
% employees self-reported not feeling “good”


Employees are struggling in all four areas of well-being


(2) Employees want leaders to challenge conventional ways of working and be more future-oriented – e.g., pilot a four-day workweek or create no-zoom meeting day.


Employees want leaders to challenge conventional ways of working


Fewer than 6 out of 10 employees say their company embeds well-being into the flow of daily work and workplace culture.


Deloitte recommends several well-being practices for managers and companies to consider:


Encourage employees to take breaks during the day.

Introduce a ban on after-hours emailing.

Require employees to take time-off.

Train managers on matters of health and well-being.

As a manager, set a better example by being open about your own well-being.


Only 22% of employees say that their leaders share information about their well-being with them.



According to Deloitte, 55%+ employees may soon quit for a more supportive job.


Teamraderie experiences can help your managers to act decisively and become ambassadors of workplace well-being.

"Fewer than 6 out of 10 employees say their company embeds well-being into the flow of daily work and workplace culture."
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