📅 Free, Live Virtual Event 8/16: How CxOs Create Momentum for AI Programs | RSVP Now →

There's still time to share a holiday experience with your team!

From winter cocktails to writing a festive song, we have the perfect experience for every team — and there is still time to book before the holidays.

The final workday before the holidays is Friday, December 22.


Experiences That DON'T Require Upfront Kit Shipments

Allow 4+ days when booking

Experiences That DO Require Upfront Kit Shipments

These experiences will have expedited shipping costs – visible on the experience pages. Your invited attendees must submit address within 24 hours of booking. Additional costs apply to expedite non-U.S. attendee’s kits without guarantee of on time arrival due to international shipping times. You will receive a separate invoice for these charges.

Allow 8+ days when booking

Example Timeline:

Book By Team Members Submit Addresses By Kits Arrive By Have Your Experience On
Wed 12/6
Thu 12/7
Thu 12/14
Fri 12/15