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5 Team Event Ideas for Spring

Thursday March 31, 2022

Team Event Ideas for Spring

Are you looking for team event ideas for Spring?


Spring is here! As it gets warmer outside, and we enter the new season, the greatest challenge for managers may be to sustain motivation and energy in themselves and in their teams. 


In the new study of 15,000 U.S. employees, Gallup found that fewer than 1 in 4 people feel that their company cares about their wellbeing — the lowest percentage in nearly a decade.


The decline was especially high among managers themselves — 11 percentage points.


Employee Wellbeing Graph


Not feeling that the employer cares, especially in a hybrid work environment, leads to disengagement, burnout, poor performance, and retention challenges.


What is an effective way for managers and teams to shake off winter, boost wellbeing and get the energy flowing for spring?


Here are some Teamraderie team experiences to consider:


Spring idea - health and wellness

✔ Encourage physical activity

Ramona Braganza, celebrity trainer, leads your team through energy-boosting movements designed to recharge your mind by strengthening your body while at work. Ramona will demonstrate simple movements you can do conveniently throughout the day, even while on calls. Team members will receive elegant kits with a set of decorative weights and bands.



Hybrid Events for Spring✔ Cultivate an atmosphere of understanding
Stanford University’s Glenn Fajardo will ‘relaunch’ your team for hybrid work. Often, in hybrid meetings, people in the room feel that remote colleagues are disengaged. And remote team members feel excluded. Glenn will help your team shift from blame to collaboration, notice what people feel and why, and adjust the mindset and behaviors.



Event Idea for Spring - Maple Syrup Tasting

✔ Try something different as a team

What can your team learn from tasting and classifying three unique maple syrups together? Discover the process of ‘tapping’ and the history of the grading system as you taste your way through the grades of maple syrup as a team. Team members will receive beautiful kits with maple syrup samples, maple candies, and cornbread to soak up the syrups.



Creativity Masterclass

✔ Empower and freshen up skills

Dr. Kathryn Segovia, Stanford University professor, will put your team into the right mindset before you brainstorm your next big challenge. Science has shown that creativity is far more than access to shared space and whiteboards. You will spend time practicing associative thinking, playfulness, and empathy together. Help your team avoid ‘creativity crash’ and generate new ideas!  



Margarita Event for Spring

✔ Refresh and celebrate the new season

How can you reimagine a classic into something completely transformed? Try two different margaritas — one made with tequila, the other with bourbon. Discover how to transform a classic margarita with just a few small tweaks. Transform your day and get ready for the new season! Team members will receive beautiful margarita making kits.



We hope these ideas for team events in Spring will help your team connect and thoughtfully engage during the new season!

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